Understand weather like never before
The word "Weather" refers to the day-to-day temperature and precipitation activity. It is driven by the density (temperature and moisture) differences between one place and another. These differences can occur due to the sun angle at any particular spot on earth, which varies by latitude.
Weather Info app provides updated weather information for your desired city. This includes any location in the world that you can think of. You may search city/state name and access the weather information. Or you may search based on latitude and longitude information to retrieve desired city weather information.
Cities/ locations can be declared as favorites and be accessed quickly and easily later on. A powerful and feature rich favorite engine is used which supports unlimited number of favorite cities to be added.
App features
★ Name based search (city, state, area)
★ GPS coordinates based search (latitude and longitude)
★ users can save their favorite locations and easily reload those locations to stay updated about weather conditions
★ weather information like temperature, humidity, sunrise, sunset, elevation and wind speed data is provided
★ smooth enjoyable vacations
★ better travel planning
★ protection of property and lives by knowing in advance about weather conditions
★ companies can predict demand for their products that are used in case of weather fluctuations e.g snow cleaners or air conditioners
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